Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Alter It Monthly

On Alter It Monthly the theme for June is"Birds of a Feather"

Use the theme in any way it inspires you. Alter an item using Birds of a feather as the inspiration. Birds, nests, eggs, feathers.... its up to you how you use the theme. As ever we look forward to seeing YOUR interpretations...

Thie is what I made for the sampler this month. Its a little rusty house, the quote is rubber stamped, the Bird is image transfered using Matte Medium, then a few bits and bobs added to finish it off.


Unknown said...

Love it! I'll try and join in again this month

Unknown said...

Fabulous! to me this is a very different take on the "bird" craze...I really like it!

Moira said...

Fabby, I love that bird image,

Gillian .... said...

mwahhhhhhh and its all mine, thank you Carol, I love everything about it x

Maggie said...

This is stunning I love the pastel shades - hoping to join in again this month just have to find something to alter
