The latest challenge on the That's Crafty Blog is called "all about face". Full details of the challenge can be found by following the previous link.
I have had this background unfinished in my journal for ages, and it's strange to look at it as it makes me realise how my journalling has progressed and changed over time. This backgound was done mainly with Dylusions sprays, but in more recent time I have in-corporated a lot more paint into my pages. That is one reason I like journalling as it does provide you with a bit of a diary as to how your tastes and style has changed over time and the theme of this page pretty much sums up how my brain is feeling at the moment, to much to think about and not enough time !!!
Carol x
I think you're spot on about journaling, Carol! Every once in a while, I will go back through journals and can clearly see how my art has changed over time. I also like to create background and just let the sit over time. One day, they "speak" to you and your are inspired to add the foreground, as you have done here. Love the use of the gears to show the mind working. You play on words is brilliant here! Love this spead!
Brilliant pages Carol - I too like to do backgrounds and then wait and see what I want to use them for
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